Mind Body LAb

Therapy Solutions

Nourish your mind​ and body.

Hi, my name is Sydney Wetterström. I ​specialize in creating a supportive space ​where you can explore challenges, ​develop insights, and empower yourself ​to achieve your personal goals.

Ready to take the ​next step?

Schedule your ​appointment ​today, whether ​you prefer in-​person sessions or ​virtual meetings. ​Let’s work ​together towards ​your well-being.

I specialize in helping ​individuals navigate through​ anxiety, depression, eating​ disorders and everyday​ frustrations. Together, we’ll ​explore effective strategies to ​manage these challenges and ​foster a sense of balance and ​resilience in your life.

Stack of Zen Stones

Mind Body lab

Therapy Solutions

Schedule Today​

(303) 564 0406


Tuesday to Saturday

6:00 am to 5:00 pm

We accept a variety of insurance plans ​to ​accommodate your needs.

Follow Us ​@mind.bo​dy.lab

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